Our Lady of Kazan parish was founded in 1951 when services were originally conducted in an old store front at 338 Broadway in Newark. This continued for 19 years until 1970 when the parish finally had the opportunity to purchase St. John’s and St. Mark’s Episcopal Church located at Heller Pkwy and Ridge St.
The Very Reverend Archpriest Vladimir Shishkoff, the parish rector at the time, and parishioners, spent much time working on converting the interior of the Episcopal church into a Russian Orthodox one complete with icons and icon screen while maintaining the historical integrity of the building which is recognized as a landmark in the city of Newark.
The church was consecrated by his Eminence Metropolitan Philaret on the feast day of the Icon of Our Lady of Kazan (celebrated on November 4th new style) that very same year. The parish continues to worship here to this day. It is also of interest to note that since the church was built during the turn of the last century, it is frequented by tour groups interested in the history of Newark. It is one of the oldest churches in the city. Its actual construction began in 1867.
Maintenance of the building and church is a constant work in progress which involves the efforts of the entire parish. In the last few years much has been accomplished on the restoration of the iconostasis, altar icons as well as major repairs to the building’s heating system and other items. We sincerely appreciate everyone’s participation and assistance in this work and we look forward to your continued support in the future.
We also ask that you remember in your prayers the V. Rev. Archpriest Vladimir Shishkoff (who served here as pastor the longest), his predecessors – the Very Rev. Archpriests Nikolai Travin, Stephan Lityago and Igumen Barnabas Andreyev, and those parishioners who have reposed since.
Grant them O Lord eternal rest!
Rev. Archpriest Mark Burachek, rector.

Our Lady of Kazan
Russian Orthodox Church
78 Heller Parkway; Newark, NJ 07104
14MarMatins 6:30pmSat
15MarSoul Saturday. Commemoration of the departed.
Divine Liturgy 9:00am
6:00pm All-Night VigilSun
16Mar2nd Sunday of Great Lent. St. Gregory Palamas.
10:00am Divine Liturgy