Calling all OLK parishoners and friends of the parish!
All dues-paying members of Our Lady of Kazan ROC are asked to attend and vote (if needed). Also, we welcome friends and family to listen and, if recognized, participate in commenting.
The meeting will open about 30-45 minutes after the Sunday Divine Liturgy.
This meeting is very important and is the only meeting of the year for all members. If you don't participate, you can't voice your ideas and direction for your parish. So, please, be there.
The agenda is posted on this page.
Thank you.
Head Starosta - Michael Zaporoshan

Our Lady of Kazan
Russian Orthodox Church
78 Heller Parkway; Newark, NJ 07104
14Feb6:00pm All-Night VigilSat
9:00am Divine Liturgy
6:00pm All-Night VigilSun
16FebSunday of the Pro-digal Son. St. Simeon and the Prophetess Anna.
10:00am Divine Liturgy